I added a city to my phone’s clock.
I took a photo of the street corner where a bougainvillea blossom- draped over fences- dripping from pergolas.
I kept looking back at the strawberry sunset, hoping to breathe you into existence with my imagination.
Now that I have known what a perfect date is: you + me levitating on a sinking mattress- under the moonlight of aligned stars and flights.
That long-awaited reservation at a hot, new restaurant on the corner of the block seems so quaint, now.
How could I ever go back?
On this floating rock: there are ones you could be in a relationship with; Then, if you’re really lucky, ones that you can connect to.
Cosmic, bright, magnetic, easy, and nice.
Usually, I have no luck. But did I just know what it feels like for a fleeting moment?
There was a blossoming bougainvillea draped over fences, dripping from the pergolas of a Venice Canal house of two,
reminded me of you.